예배 장소

Hachimangu (Kiriku Hachiman) Shrine

현지인 1명이 추천하는 곳,
Kanshuji Goshouchicho Yamashina Ward
Kyoto, Kyoto

현지인이 제공하는 팁

September 12, 2019
Kiriku-Hachimangu[10min on foot] An ancient shrine founded in 9th century. To invite Hachiman-deity (the 15th emperor Oujin, a war deity) here. Check the sacred two arrows (huge!) in the front of main shrine. This shrine has been respected as a Guardian of the Kaju-ji temple. This is a clue to understand unique mixture of Shintoism and Buddhism in Japanese cultural history. Now,As a guardian of Local people and community around here, this shrine is loved and respected. Not sightseeing facility for tourists, real Shinto shrine for us. Take off your hat or Cap and bow before you go through the Torii gate. and be calm and breath deeply in his ward. 10 min walk to west
Kiriku-Hachimangu[10min on foot] An ancient shrine founded in 9th century. To invite Hachiman-deity (the 15th emperor Oujin, a war deity) here. Check the sacred two arrows (huge!) in the front of main shrine. This shrine has been respected as a Guardian of the Kaju-ji temple. This is a clue to unde…

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