
시어 샌드퍼드 플레밍 공원

현지인 62명이 추천하는 곳,
260 Dingle Rd
Halifax, NS

현지인이 제공하는 팁

January 24, 2021
Beautiful view, famous for picnic spot
October 20, 2019
Our personal favourite place in the city
June 5, 2018
A huge park located right by the water full of walking paths and places to hang out on the beach. Also home to the Dingle Tower, a large memorial structure definitely worth checking out.
August 27, 2022
Just a 5min drive away, this is a lovely park on the Northwest arm with several trails that connect to the 'Frog pond', a nice picnic and walking area along the water, small beach areas, and the historic Dingle Tower. A great spot to walk, run, hike and take in the scenery of the northwest arm. To experience one of our fave running/walking spots, extend your route to include Parkhill and Albion rd!
Just a 5min drive away, this is a lovely park on the Northwest arm with several trails that connect to the 'Frog pond', a nice picnic and walking area along the water, small beach areas, and the historic Dingle Tower. A great spot to walk, run, hike and take in the scenery of the northwest arm. To e…
November 12, 2017
Features beaches, walking trails, and the "Dingle" - a distinctive historical tower.

주변의 독특한 즐길 거리

페기스 코브 익스프레스
코브에서 즐기는 철공의 기초
페기 코브와 함께하는 핼리팩스 투어

현지인 추천 장소