
Church of Panagia Acheiropoietos

현지인 16명이 추천하는 곳,
56 Agias Sofias

현지인이 제공하는 팁

May 9, 2020
This church is believed to be the oldest surviving one in Thessaloniki, and it is dedicated to Virgin Mary. 'Acheiropoietos' means 'created by a divine power, not by human hands'.
July 15, 2020
Is a church dedicated to Virgin Mary and its name is translated “not made by human hand”. The basilica mentioned in written sources as the church of the Virgin Mary’s and even as the great church of the Virgin Mary. The Acheiropoiitos name first appeared in a document of 1320 and it was related to the holly image of the Virgin. The church was built over the ruins of a Roman bath during the fifth century. The Acheiropoiitos name first appeared in a document of 1320 and it was related to the holly image of the Virgin. The church was built over the ruins of a Roman bath during the fifth century. This church was the first which was converted into a mosque during the year of 1430, when the Ottomans invaded and conquered Thessaloniki. The frescoes and mosaics of the church were destroyed almost completely. From the rich sculptural decoration stands out the Ionic capitals which came directly from the 5th century’s laboratories of Constantinople. Today, visitors can observe some parts of frescoes which still exist and they are dated from the 13th century and parts of the mosaics which have survived and are dated from the 5th century. (The monument is approached by the attitude of Saint (Hagia) Sophia in less than 200 meters)
Is a church dedicated to Virgin Mary and its name is translated “not made by human hand”. The basilica mentioned in written sources as the church of the Virgin Mary’s and even as the great church of the Virgin Mary. The Acheiropoiitos name first appeared in a document of 1320 and it was related to…
May 10, 2015
The Church of the Virgin Made Without Hands. This is one of the oldest churches in Thessaloniki.
March 3, 2022
This church is believed to be the oldest surviving one in Thessaloniki, and it's dedicated to Virgin Mary. 'Acheiropoietos' means 'created by a divine power, not by human hands'
June 27, 2015
5th-century Byzantine church. World Heritage Site by UNESCO.

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