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이용 방법

계정에 등록된 신용카드에 대한 최신 정보 자동 반영

Don’t remember updating your payment information with us? We took care of it.

We receive real-time account updates from card networks so your payment details can be updated automatically when they change. If your bank has reported changes for a card you have on file, the update service sends us the new card details securely. We update your existing payment method, allowing you to book your stay without any issues.

We get updates about:

  • Expiration date changes
  • Reissued cards that were reported as lost, stolen, or expired
  • Account closures

When we update information, you can find the new details saved to your existing payment methods in your Payments & payouts. Card information updated as part of a booking will appear on your receipt and transaction history.

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