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Did you book an experience and now you can’t make it? Your first step is to message your Host to let them know to see if they'd be willing to refund you. If they can't or won't send you a refund, you can submit a claim for eligible travel issues.

Eligible travel issues

Your travel issues may be covered by the Experiences Guest Refund Policy. You’re generally in good shape if:

  • The Host fails to carry out the booked experience or arrives more than 15 minutes late
  • The Host makes significant changes to the experience after you book
  • The experience contains an obvious safety or health hazard

If we agree that you experienced a reasonable travel issue, Airbnb may be able provide a refund.

What’s next?

If you need to submit a claim, make sure to:

  1. Contact the Host: We’ll verify your message thread as part of the claim process
  2. Gather evidence: Document issues with photos or videos
  3. Contact us: Get in touch within 24 hours of having an issue
  4. Stay in touch: We’ll reach out with next steps specific to you

TIP: Review the Experiences Guest Refund policy for more details, including info about the minimum quality standards for experiences, Host responsibilities, and what qualifies as a travel issue.

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