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이용 방법

대금 수령 방법 변경 요청

It’s our priority to make sure you get paid, and in some cases, we may request that you provide necessary updates for your payout info within a certain timeframe. It’s an easy process—when a payout method requires an update, you’ll get an Update button under the affected payout method, along with a message that includes the due date for your updates.

If you don’t update your payout method

If you haven’t made any updates by the due date we’ve provided, any payouts scheduled to be sent to this payout method will automatically go to your default. If you don’t have a default payout method, or your default method requires updates, your payout won’t be processed until you add a new payout method or select a different payout method you already have with us.

이 게시글이 도움이 되었나요?

관련 도움말

예약, 계정 등과 관련해 도움을 받으세요.
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