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관련 규정

독일에서의 환불 정책

If you host a place in Germany, be sure to review your local laws to confirm your chosen cancellation policy is in compliance.

Note: Airbnb serves only as a platform connecting Hosts and guests and is unable to provide legal advice on local laws. Hosts and guests should consult local experts for guidance.

Use the flexible policy

We recommend that Hosts in Germany use the flexible cancellation policy, even though there may be unique circumstances that lend themselves to the moderate or strict policy. EX: Your place might be difficult to fill after a cancellation due to the manner of the booking or the nature of the property.

Double-check your refunds

Make sure that the refunds you issue are appropriate, and that any amount withheld does not exceed damage and losses to be expected in the usual course of events. Your guest is entitled to a full or partial refund if they can prove you haven’t suffered any losses, or that the amount you withheld—even if in accordance with your cancellation policy—is greater than the actual losses you incurred.

You should also give your guests an opportunity to discuss the refund amount if they have a dispute.

Find out more about hosting in Germany.

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