검색어를 입력하면 추천 검색어가 표시됩니다. 위쪽 및 아래쪽 화살표를 사용하여 추천 검색어를 확인하세요. 입력 키를 사용하여 검색어를 선택하세요. 추천 문구를 선택하면 해당 문구로 검색이 진행됩니다. 추천 검색어가 링크인 경우, 해당 페이지로 이동합니다.
이용 방법

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We may temporarily turn off Smart Pricing to prevent extreme price changes and comply with local laws during events like natural disasters, emergencies, or political unrest.

Smart Pricing may be turned off beyond the affected area

Even if your listing isn’t in the directly affected area, we may still turn it off if the event is influencing nearby listing prices. We’ll be sure to notify you when we turn it off and on again—the length of time depends on the event.

You can still make pricing changes during an event

When Smart Pricing is off, your prices stop adjusting automatically, but you can still manually change pricing for any date on your calendar. Just make sure to follow local pricing laws, which may apply in areas affected by emergencies.

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