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모로코의 가이드 투어

When deciding whether to become an Airbnb experience host, it's important for you to understand the laws in your country. As a platform and marketplace we do not provide legal advice, but we want to provide some useful links that may help you better understand laws and regulations that may apply to different sorts of activities in Morocco. This list is not exhaustive, but it should give you a good start in understanding some key issues. If you have questions, contact national and city agencies directly, or consult a local lawyer or tax professional. For more information on the types of rules and laws that might apply to experiences in general, please see the general information articles about experiences.

Please understand that this page is for informational purposes - it is general, not comprehensive, and it is not legal advice. Please also note that we don’t update this information in real time, and you should always confirm that the laws or procedures have not changed recently.*

Tour guiding is a strictly regulated profession in Morocco and is subject to complex and actively enforced rules. Under the law, a tour guide can be any individual that, for profit, accompanies tourists, ensures their safety and peace of mind and provides them with the necessary information (ex: geographical, historical, architectural, cultural, social, economic, and other information). A person may only act as a tour guide for either cities or natural areas (not both). All tour guides must hold a license (French, English, Arabic) issued by the Ministry of Tourism.

Tour guide services may also be offered as part of travel agency activity for which a separate license is required, again from the Ministry of Tourism (French, English, Arabic).

Carrying out tour guide activities without the required license could result in fines and possibly even imprisonment. It’s a good idea to consult the Ministry of Tourism (French, English, Arabic) or a local legal adviser in order to understand whether a license is required for your planned activities.

*Airbnb is not responsible for the reliability or correctness of the information contained in any links to third party sites (including any links to legislation and regulations). But if you find a link that doesn’t work, please let us know here, and we’ll do our best to update it.

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