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체험 호스트

체험 호스팅 수입에 대해 세금을 납부해야 하나요?

In the United States, Airbnb provides 1099s to hosts who make more than $20,000 and have more than 200 transactions. In general, Airbnb doesn’t give tax advice, and you should consult with a tax professional for information about how to report what you earn from hosting experiences.

If you’re a host who’s partnering with a nonprofit organization and you’re hosting a Social Impact experience, your payout will go directly to the nonprofit’s financial institution. Airbnb waives all fees, and 100% of the funds collected from guests go to the nonprofit.

To stay informed regarding your taxes, visit the Experience Resource Center. You can also find tips and resources specific to your local tax laws, regulations, business licenses, and more in our Responsible Hosting articles.

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    체험 호스트 알림판에서 체험을 일시 중지할 수 있습니다. 기존 예약은 여전히 이행하셔야 합니다.
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  • 체험 호스트

    에어비앤비 체험에 부과되는 서비스 수수료

    에어비앤비는 연중무휴 고객 지원과 같은 혜택을 계속 제공하기 위해 체험 호스트에게 20%의 서비스 수수료를 부과합니다.
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