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런던에 있는 집에서 호스팅하고 있습니다. 이 경우 어떤 단기 임대법이 적용되나요?

You’ll find information about the rules which apply in London in our Responsible Hosting page. You can also contact your local council to find out more.

Starting from early 2017, Airbnb’s systems are automatically limiting entire home listings in Greater London to 90 nights per calendar year. The information below explains why we have implemented this measure, and how it will work.

Please visit our Night Limits FAQ for more detailed information on how Airbnb’s night limits work.

I have several listings in London. Does this apply to all of them?

This applies to all entire home listings in the Greater London area.

Is my listing going to be deactivated if I do not follow the rules?

Entire home listings will not be able to receive bookings for more than 90 nights per calendar year, unless you certify that you have the relevant permissions which allow you to share your home beyond this. Once you receive 90 nights of bookings for the current calendar year, the system will automatically limit your listing from being booked for dates in the rest of the calendar year, and guests will not be able to book your listing unless their booking dates fall within the next year.

When will this automatic limit be introduced?

The 90-day limit has already been introduced for the 2017 calendar year. There is a counter on your Airbnb manage listing page to help you see how many nights your listing has been booked since 1 January 2017. [The counter will refresh at the beginning of each new calendar year.]

What happens to existing bookings that I receive before the automatic limit is introduced?

The introduction of the automatic limit will not alter or cancel existing bookings that you have already accepted for 2017.

Does this limit mean that my data has been shared with local London authorities?

The protection of our users’ personal data is and remains a priority for us. We are introducing a product change which will automatically apply a booking limit to entire home listings in London. We have not automatically shared the personal data of our users with the local London authorities in connection with this product change. 

I have permission to host for more than 90 nights a year. How do I keep my listing open to bookings?

If you have permission to host beyond the annual limit in relation to your listing, you may ask for the automatic limit not to be applied to your listing or (if you have already accepted bookings totaling 90 nights for the calendar year) for the limit to be removed by claiming an exemption in your listing’s Regulations tab. Once you complete the process, the Regulations tab will reflect your exemption and say "​​The 90 night limit has been removed from your listing."

I have listings in markets other than London, are they affected by this too?

This update is a London-specific measure. For your listings outside Greater London, you should check the relevant Responsible Hosting page and any information emails you receive.

Why has Airbnb decided to do this?

We want to help ensure that home sharing grows responsibly and sustainably, and makes London’s communities stronger.

This announcement follows an unprecedented six month project with partners across London to investigate how we can deliver the commitments that our platform is promoting responsible home sharing and remove unwelcome commercial operators.

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