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이용 방법 • 호스트

덴마크 고유 코드 발급받기

As of October 31, 2023, Danish tax authorities (Skat.dk) have turned off the ability to create a new unique code. Hosts will not be able to create a unique code on Airbnb after this date.

For the tax years 2021 and onwards, Hosts in Denmark are required to create a unique code with the Danish tax authorities (Skat.dk) to share basic information for income tax purposes.

If you host or co-host an active listing in Denmark, you can create this unique code by following the instructions under Taxes in your account:

  1. Log in to your Host account using a web browser (not the Airbnb app)
  2. Click or tap on your profile and select Account
  3. On the Account page, select Taxes
  4. Click or tap Get started in the notification or Tax benefits section
  5. Click or tap Continue to Skat.dk
  6. Enter the NemID/MitID associated with your CPR on the Danish tax site
  7. Airbnb will automatically save this unique code to your account

Find out more about NemID and MitID.

Please complete the code generation flow within 30 minutes of clicking Continue to Skat.dk. If your session times out, you will need to start over on step 4 above.

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  • 이용 방법 • 호스트

    W-9 양식 작성 방법

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