신원 조회의 한계
Because our background checks are limited, we can’t guarantee that they’ll identify all past criminal convictions or sex offender registrations by a guest or Host. Therefore, you shouldn’t rely on them as a guarantee that the user has no criminal background or other red flags. Here’s why.
Learn what you can do to help improve your safety when interacting with Hosts and guests.
Scope of search
We don’t run background checks on every Airbnb user. If we have at least a first name, last name, and date of birth for a US-based user who creates a listing, or is associated with a booking, we may perform a background check on that user. We also may perform background checks on India-based Hosts.
Accuracy of user information
These checks only work when people give us their full, correct legal names and dates of birth. Even if they provided all required information, we can’t guarantee it’s accurate or that it even really belongs to them.
While we have a process for periodically reviewing criminal records of active US users, their most recent review may have been months before you’re due to interact with them.
Inconsistent reporting
For users who live in the US, we don’t always check all state and county courthouse records, criminal registries, and public databases, such as but not limited to Moving Violation Reports and Driving Records. Due to variations in local laws and reporting systems, criminal record information that’s searched and reported in each type of check can vary by state and county.
Because of differences in foreign laws, language, and the way foreign records are maintained and reported, we may not run background checks on users located outside the United States, and even if we do, the scope and accuracy of coverage may vary.
Incomplete search results
The databases we check are not necessarily complete and may not include records of prior criminal conduct.
- Ex: Not all criminal records are public in all states, nor are they all captured by the databases we check
- Ex: Convictions and records of crimes committed outside the country where we are conducting the check may not be included
Also, as determined by applicable law, public records databases may be limited to records of conduct that took place a certain number of years prior to the date of the check, ex: The prior 7 years in certain US states.
Criminal deceit
People may find ways to circumvent even the most sophisticated database or search technology.
관련 도움말
- 게스트
신원 조회가 의미하는 바
에어비앤비에서 진행하는 신원 조회가 계정에 어떤 영향을 미치는지 알아보세요. - 게스트
에어비앤비에 차별적 행위를 신고하려면 어떻게 해야 하나요?
에어비앤비는 커뮤니티 보호를 위해 차별 금지 정책을 마련하였으며 차별에 관한 신고를 매우 엄중하게 다룹니다. - 게스트
회사가 에어비앤비 비즈니스 프로그램에 등록되어 있지 않을 경우 출장을 예약하는 방법
회사가 에어비앤비 비즈니스 프로그램에 등록하지 않은 경우에도 에어비앤비에서 출장 숙소를 예약할 수 있도록 계정을 설정하실 수 있습니다.