에어비앤비 체험과 어드벤처에서는 어떤 유형의 긴급 의료후송을 지원하나요?
Our community’s safety, both online and offline, is our priority. While we can’t eliminate all the risk in traveling or going on unique experiences and adventures, in the rare event that things go wrong, Airbnb wants guests to receive high standards of care, which is why we have partnered with International SOS to provide medical assistance services to guests in emergency situations.
International SOS is a medical and travel security risks services company. They are in the business of saving and protecting lives through their team of dedicated medical professionals who service multinational companies, governments, and NGOs globally.
Support offered by International SOS
International SOS will help support medically necessary evacuations for experience and adventures guests and will provide expert recommendations regarding health care globally to ensure guests have access to the most appropriate medical care. Where medically necessary, International SOS will make recommendations for and manage the end-to-end process of medical evacuations.
International SOS and emergency services
International SOS is not designed to be a replacement for local emergency services. If there is any doubt, local emergency services should be contacted prior to contacting International SOS.
Emergency planning
We recommend that all guests and hosts engaging in an experience prepare an emergency plan in case of a natural disaster or any other kind of emergency that could occur during an experience. Find out more about making an emergency plan.
Partner disclaimers
American Red Cross and the International Federation of the Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies (IFRC): Courtesy of the American Red Cross and International Federation of the Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies. ©2019 The American National Red Cross. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.
The American Red Cross and International Federation of the Red Cross Red Crescent name and emblem are used with its permission, which in no way constitutes an endorsement, express or implied, of any product, service, company, opinion or political position. The American Red Cross logo is a registered trademark owned by The American National Red Cross. For more information about the American Red Cross, visit redcross.org.
관련 도움말
- 이용 방법•게스트
체험 책임보험
체험 책임보험은 에어비앤비 호스팅 전반에 걸쳐 호스트를 보호하는 ‘호스트를 위한 에어커버’의 핵심 요소입니다. - 이용 방법•게스트
에어비앤비는 어드벤처여행업협회(Adventure Travel Trade Association)와 어떤 파트너십을 맺고 있나요?
에어비앤비는 야외활동 분야 선두업체인 어드벤처여행업협회(ATTA)와 협력하여 호스트와 게스트에게 야외 체험 및 어드벤처 준비에 필요한 가이드라인을 제공하고 있습니다. - 이용 방법•게스트
에어비앤비는 미국 적십자 및 IFRC(국제적십자연맹)와 어떤 파트너십을 맺고 있나요?
에어비앤비 파트너 단체는 비상 계획, 주방 안전 관련 팁 등 유용한 정보와 자료를 커뮤니티에 제공합니다.