에어비앤비가 숙박세를 수금해서 관할 당국에 납부하는 지역은 어디인가요?
In areas that Airbnb has made agreements with governments or is required by law to collect and remit local taxes on behalf of hosts, Airbnb calculates these taxes and collects them from guests at the time of booking. Airbnb then remits collected taxes to the applicable tax authority on the hosts' behalf. This can apply to occupancy taxes, value added taxes (VAT), and good and service taxes (GST) on accommodations. Find out more about how occupancy tax collection and remittance by Airbnb works.
Currently, Airbnb is collecting and remitting taxes on behalf of the host in the following locations. Click through the following links to find out more about which taxes specifically Airbnb is collecting in each jurisdiction.
Other tax obligations
Hosts located in these areas are responsible for assessing all other tax obligations, including state and city jurisdictions. Hosts with listings in these areas should also review their agreement with Airbnb under the Terms of Service and familiarize themselves with the Occupancy Tax provisions which allow us to collect and remit taxes on their behalf and explains how the process works. Under those provisions, hosts instruct and authorize Airbnb to collect and remit Occupancy Taxes on their behalf in jurisdictions where Airbnb decides to facilitate such collection. If a hosts believes applicable laws exempt the host from collecting a tax that Airbnb collects and remits on the host's behalf, the host has agreed that, by accepting the reservation, the host is waiving that exemption. If a host does not want to waive an exemption the host believes exists, the host should not accept the reservation.
Hosts also have the ability to add other taxes (e.g. local tax or value added tax) to their listings in accordance with the laws in applicable jurisdictions. If applicable, find out more about how you can add taxes to your listings.
관련 도움말
- 호스트
숙소에 세금을 추가하는 법
세금 관련 정보를 제공한 호스트라면 에어비앤비의 전문 호스팅 도구를 활용해 게스트로부터 세금을 직접 수금하는 것이 가능할 수 있습니다. - 호스트
숙박세 직접 수금 및 납부는 어떻게 진행되나요?
호스트는 해당 지역에 숙박세 자동 수금 및 납부가 적용되지 않는 한, 게스트로부터 숙박세를 직접 수금해야 합니다. - 호스트
에어비앤비는 어떻게 숙박세를 수금하여 세무 당국에 납부하나요?
에어비앤비는 게스트가 특정 관할 지역의 숙박 요금을 결제할 때마다 호스트를 대신해 숙박세를 자동으로 수금하여 세무 당국에 납부합니다.